Constituted 5 August 1917 as the 88th Division.
Organized 25 August 1917 at Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Inactivated 10 June 1919 at Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Activated in September 1921 with headquarters at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ordered into active military service 15 July 1942 and reorganized at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma.
Redesignated 1 August 1942 as the 88th Infantry Division.
Inactivated 24 October 1947 in Italy.
Major General John E. Sloan - Assumed command July 1942
Major General Paul W. Kendall - Assumed command September 1944
Headquarters, 88th Infantry Division
Headquarters Company, 88th Infantry Division
88th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
313th Engineer Combat Battalion
349th Infantry Regiment
350th Infantry Regiment
351st Infantry Regiment
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Division Artillery
337th Field Artillery Battalion
338th Field Artillery Battalion
339th Field Artillery Battalion
913th Field Artillery Battalion
Headquarters, Special Troops
313th Medical Battalion
788th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
88th Signal Company
88th Quartermaster Company
Rome-Arno, North Apennines, Po Valley