Year | 1919 |
Weapon Type | Light Field Howitzer |
Origin & Designer | Czechoslovakia/Skoda |
Numbers Produced | 600 |
Crew | 10 |
Calibre | 100mm (100x132R) |
Elevation | -8° to +50° |
Traverse | 6° |
Breech | Horizontal Sliding Block |
Recoil | Hydropneumatic |
Gun Sight | Vz.8/14 Telescopic |
Gun Mount | [@gun_mounts] |
Carriage | Box Trail |
Trailers | [@trailers] |
Gun Shield | 4.7mm |
Armoured Plate | [@armoured_plate] |
Barrel Length | 2.400mm (L/24) |
Overall Length | 5.49m |
Width | 1.53m |
Height | 1.18m |
Weight | Weight in Traction: 2.937 kg Weight in Action: 1.548 kg |
Round Weight | 16 kg (HE) |
Muzzle Velocity | 395 m/s |
Feed | [@feed] |
Magazine Capacity | [@magazine_capacity] |
Practical Rate of Fire | [@practical_rate_of_fire] |
Rate of Fire | 6 r.p.m. |
Maximum Rate of Fire | [@maximum_rate_of_fire] |
Maximum Ceiling | [@maximum_ceiling] |
Maximum Ground Range | [@maximum_ground_range] |
Maximum Range | 9.800m |
Armour Penetration | [@armour_penetration] |
Traction | Horse Drawn (six Horses) |
Variants | [@variants] |
Notes | The LH Vz.14/19 (Lehký Houfnice Vzor 14/19) was a light howitzer which was designed and built by the Czech firm Skoda. It was initially built as the LH Vz.14 and served throughout world war one with the Austro-Hungarian forces. The Czech army inherited large numbers of these howitzer after the end of the Great War and modified them from 1919 onwards to produce the LH Vz.14/19. It was the standard light divisional howitzer and was issued to light howitzer regiments at divisional level. |