Year | April 1943 |
Vehicle Type | Heavy Infantry Assault Gun |
Origin & Designer | Germany/Deutsche-Eisenwerke |
Numbers Produced | 306 |
Crew | 5 (Commander, Gunner, 2 x Loader & Driver) |
Main Armament | 1 x 150mm L/12 StuH 43 |
Main Armament | [@sponson_traverse] |
Elevation | -5° to +30° |
Turret Traverse | [@turret_traverse] |
Gun Traverse | 20° |
Gun Mount | [@gun_mounts] |
Maximum Range | [@maximum_range] |
Armour Penetration | [@armour_penetration] |
Gun Sight | SflZF |
Secondary Armament | 2 x 7.92mm MG34s (AA & Bow) |
Smoke Discharger | [@smoke_discharger] |
Ammunition Carried | 38 x 150mm & 1200 x 7.92mm Rounds |
Height | 2.52m |
Width | 2.88m |
Length | 5.93m |
Combat Weight | 28.200 kg |
Ground Clearance | 0.40m |
Fording Depth | 0.95m |
Trench Crossing | 2.02m |
Obstacle Clearance | 0.60m |
Climbing Ability | 30° |
Radio | FuG2 & FuG5 |
Armour | Hull Front: 80mm Hull Sides: 30mm Hull Rear: 20mm Hull Top: 20mm Hull Bottom: 10mm Gun Compartment: Gun Mantle: None Front: 100mm Sides: 50mm Rear: 20mm Top: 20mm |
Engine | Maybach HL 120 TRM |
Transmission | 6 Forward & 1 Reverse |
Maximum Road Range | 210 km |
Maximum Cross Country Range | 130 km |
Maximum Water Range | [@maximum_water_range] |
Maximum Road Speed | 38 kph |
Maximum Cross Country Speed | 15 kph |
Maximum Water Speed | [@maximum_water_speed] |
Variants | [@variants] |
Notes | The Brummbär was a heavy self-propelled support howitzer mounted in an armoured citadel on the chassis of a Panzer IV tank. It was armed with a Skoda 150mm StuH 43 howitzer. Early versions were prone to breakdown, this was mainly due to the excess weight. It took four series to iron out most of the problems and the main modifications were; extra armoured protection for the driver, more ventilation added, two steel rimmed road wheels, a lightened version of the main gun, cupola and ball mounted MG added to the hull from. Chassis from five versions of the Panzer Mk. IV were used and these were Ausf G, E, F, H & J. The Brummbär was issued to Sturm battalions and fought on the eastern, western and southern fronts. |