Year | 1901 |
Weapon Type | Heavy Gun |
Origin & Designer | Italy/ARTE |
Numbers Produced | 895 |
Crew | 12 |
Calibre | 149.1mm |
Elevation | -10° to +35° |
Traverse | 0° |
Breech | Shutter Type |
Recoil | None |
Gun Sight | [@gun_sight] |
Gun Mount | [@gun_mounts] |
Carriage | Box Trail |
Trailers | [@trailers] |
Gun Shield | [@gun_shield] |
Armoured Plate | [@armoured_plate] |
Barrel Length | 5.464mm (L/38.7) |
Overall Length | 7.96m |
Width | 1.56m |
Height | 1.88m |
Weight | 8.200 kg (In Action) |
Round Weight | 45.96 kg (HE) |
Muzzle Velocity | 651 m/s |
Feed | [@feed] |
Magazine Capacity | [@magazine_capacity] |
Practical Rate of Fire | [@practical_rate_of_fire] |
Rate of Fire | One Round Every Two Minutes |
Maximum Rate of Fire | [@maximum_rate_of_fire] |
Maximum Ceiling | [@maximum_ceiling] |
Maximum Ground Range | [@maximum_ground_range] |
Maximum Range | 16.500m |
Armour Penetration | [@armour_penetration] |
Traction | Motorised (TP32 Tractor) |
Variants | [@variants] |
Notes | The Modello 35A was one of the oldest guns used by the Italians in World War Two. It had no recoil system and ramps had to be used to re-set the gun after firing. The Italian army still had larger numbers of this gun in service at the start of the war and it saw action during the Spanish civil war. It was also used is action against the French, Greeks and Yugoslav armies in 1940-41 and many were issued to heavy gun batteries in North Africa and Sicily. |