Year | 1936 |
Weapon Type | Light Anti-Tank and Infantry Gun |
Origin & Designer | [@designer] |
Numbers Produced | 3.400 |
Crew | Commander Two Gunners Two Loaders 6 x Ammunition/Close Defence Soldiers Driver
Calibre | 37mm (37x165R) |
Elevation | -10° to +25° |
Traverse | 60° |
Breech | Sliding Horizontal Breech |
Recoil | Hydrospring |
Gun Sight | Telescopic |
Gun Mount | [@gun_mounts] |
Carriage | Split Trail |
Trailers | [@trailers] |
Gun Shield | 4mm |
Armoured Plate | [@armoured_plate] |
Barrel Length | 1.765mm (L/46.1) |
Overall Length | 2.89m |
Width | 1.19m |
Height | 1.02m |
Weight | Weight in Traction: 340 kg Weight in Action: 327 kg
Round Weight | 0.15 Kg (HE) 1.31 (AP) |
Muzzle Velocity | 700 m/s |
Feed | [@feed] |
Magazine Capacity | [@magazine_capacity] |
Practical Rate of Fire | [@practical_rate_of_fire] |
Rate of Fire | 20 r.p.m. |
Maximum Rate of Fire | [@maximum_rate_of_fire] |
Maximum Ceiling | [@maximum_ceiling] |
Maximum Ground Range | [@maximum_ground_range] |
Maximum Range | 4.500m |
Armour Penetration | 30mm @ 1,000m @ 30° 40mm @ 500m @ 30°
Traction | Horse drawn & Pack (Four Loads) |
Variants | [@variants] |
Notes | The type 94 was the standard Japanese anti-tank gun and saw action against Soviet tanks in 1939 and was light and easy to deploy, but by 1942 it struggled to penetrate allied armour. It was kept in service because many units had nothing else, and as the war progressed it was used more as an infantry gun. They were issued to infantry regiments and assigned to anti-tank companies. |